Alrighty! Lord, you are good and I know you will provide in your perfect way,whatever that means. Everyone that was left at Kenny's company was given a 10% paycut today. Please be praying even more fervently that the Lord provides a caregiver for Maia by January so I may return to work as soon as possible. Each new trial is an opportunity to point to Him more! I am not be sarcastic, I promise....I am actually very excited to see how God is going to use this new circumstance! Father, work!
Oh, also...Mom is having a rotten day. She is feeling pretty poorly right now. It is the official 48 hours after chemo treatment woes. Please pray that nausea and fatigue and pain away!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
New Development
Posted by Suth-ern Mama at 11:54 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Kenny just called me and said that his bosses laid off 22 people from his company today. His company is not that huge so this is quite a large development. Everyone was hoping to get bonuses today. This is the typical day for the bonuses to be handed out. What a shock it was to come in and be handed your pink slip and then be escorted off the property. They are not even letting them work the rest of 2008. Thank the Lord Kenny was not among those without a job now, but he wanted me to get on my blog and let everyone know to be praying for his friends and colleagues who are jobless now. There are many hurting and scared folks out there.
Posted by Suth-ern Mama at 3:07 PM 0 comments
I wasn't sure how I was going to see my mom bald, but she looks awesome! I am so proud of her and how she is handling each day and each new challenge with this stinking illness! I am also proud of my brother and I love him so much for showing such awesome love for our momma.
Toby tried to prepare Ethan, their son, for his dad's change in appearance on the way home from the daycare. She told him that all of daddy's hair was gone. Ethan kept saying on the way home..."Daddy hair gone, Daddy hair gone". When he entered their home and saw Joel he kept laughing and laughing and couldn't stop for a while. Too funny!
I am also proud of my two guys. They were inspired by Joel's act of love and wanted to show their mother-in-law and grandma the same heartfelt act. So here they are in all their shaved glory as well.
It is weird to look at all my family members and only see bald heads. It is going to take a while to get used to this. Gideon and Kenny both are much colder when they go out and need to wear snow caps on their heads. I wanted to "Sinead" it (go bald) for my mom too. I have always wanted to shave off all my hair and what a great reason to do it for my mother, but I just spent a lot of money on a style and color job a few weeks ago and Kenny would have killed me if I had shaved it all off so soon. Maybe in a month or so! Hee Hee
Doesn't he have a cute noggin? He loves rubbing his daddy's head and his. The "feel" is cool he says.
Posted by Suth-ern Mama at 10:43 AM 4 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Doting Cousin
Why Oughta!
My Reflective Pose
My Cousin Kim Visiting Me From Connecticut!
Hanging out with my Bro before Bedtime and After my Bath
Our Ladybug!
Posted by Suth-ern Mama at 9:56 PM 5 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008
It's a Beautiful Life!
One more for good measure.
So this is a Papa Ken!?! Interesting!
Thanks for the swig of milky goodness Cousin Brenna!
Helping Paula Grandma with the Chrstmas tree!
Putting on the top! Gideon is satisfied now.
We have also been blessed by many meals from our friends from our church at Cornerstone Calvary and also my "school family" at Calvary Academy. We have been eating so well. God has blessed us with such wonderful sisters and brothers in Christ here in New Jersey.
Posted by Suth-ern Mama at 2:38 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
What A Nice Day!
I can't say how much Joel blessed Gideon and me with his wonderful attention with Gideon the week he was with us! We love you, Uncle Joel!
Grandma Judy and Maia together at last!
Making sure she is all bundled up!
Papa Tom and His Granddaughter! She really likes her Papa's voice!
Goingfor a stroll down the CCU aisles!
Are you sure you want your crazy son pushing me, mom?!?!
Chillin' at Home!
Ah! I could get used to this!
Posted by Suth-ern Mama at 6:18 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
We're Comin' Home, Lakewood!
She is going to be officially discharged today! We are so excited! We will drive back to Lakewood tonight and then check in with Maia's pediatric cardiologist in Wall, NJ. Yay! We will update further tomorrow. I need to get back to Maia so we can vamoose out of this place!
Posted by Suth-ern Mama at 3:48 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Did I Say RollerCoaster?
Wow! I thought last week was a roller-coaster, but this week has proved to be a loopy-dee-loop of one! On Friday, we were prepared for Maia to have a BT shunt procedure on Monday, but when we discussed the plan with Dr. Natarajan (her primary cardiologist here at CHOP) yesterday, she now thinks that Maia can be sent home as early as Wednesday. Whew! God is definitely blowing our minds. It is weird to think that we need prayer for trusting Him anew, but I must say that it has been a comfort to have the medical attention for our daughter the past couple of weeks. If she goes home, she will be an hour and a half a way from CHOP, but I keep reminding myself that we have be asking God daily to give the doctors wisdom to make the best decisions for our daughter and we need to believe that He is answering our prayers wholeheartedly. But is hard!
She is going to have a transfusion today to boost her oxygen levels and other stats. Babies normally loose hemoglobin and iron as they try to build their own storehouse away from their mommy's placenta. She is at a normal level for a regular baby, but Maia of course is a special girl, a heart girl, and she needs to be above a 14. Of course, she is at 13.9. LOL! The transfusion should take place soon, sometime in the next hour or so. They will watch her and if the hemoglobin and stats rise we could see her go home to Lakewood by Wednesday. Again it is wait and see.
After she is sent home (we hope)...she will see her pediatric cardiologist in Wall,NJ (Dr. Lloyda Rivera) every week to monitor her status. Dr. Rivera will determine if she might need to go back to CHOP for further procedures in the future, but of course we are praying that the Lord has healed her heart through the catheterization procedure from last week. Time will tell.
The docs believe that she will not have any emergencies while at home, but will just show indications via her visits with Dr. Rivera if she needs more intervention.
It has been wonderful to have my parents here since Saturday. I will hate to see them leave on Thursday or Friday. They have been such a comfort and support for our family during this time. Mom appears to be doing well this visit. Fortunately she can just sit back and relax and the hospital and not put to much strain on her body. Please be in prayer for her healing. The incision line from the mastectomy is not mending and healing well. This is the top priority request I have for my mother.
I promise to get some pics up on the website sometime this week of proud Uncle Joel and of the delighted Grandparents! Maia has taken to her extended family big time and loves to be held by all!
We love you all and continue interceding the Lord continues to be faithful as always!
The Sutherland Clan!
Posted by Suth-ern Mama at 11:25 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The Plan (For Now)
Hello All!
We talked to one of the doctors today to figure out what their plan and objectives are for Maia. Right now we are still in a wait and see mode with her ductus. It is still 2 mm wide. They think it should close in a couple of days. At that point they will watch her blood oxygen levels and see if they are sporatic and fluctuating or if they are more consistent at a certain level. We definitely want the more consistent levels. If the ductus does not close over the weekend, on Monday the doctors will discuss surgically closing the ductus. So in other words, be in prayer once again, our awesome prayer warriors. The ductus needs to close on its own. I really don't want to see Maia go through surgery. I know that the Lord will see us through if it does happen, but Lord you can "let this cup pass by me" if you see fit. I really don't mind.
Joel, my brother, has been here for about two days now and he has been such an awesome blessing to our family. Gideon has had the best time with his Uncle which has relieved me of some of that responsbility and I can focus on Maia and also my healing and rest. I am so happy that it worked out that he could come up to Philly. We will definitely miss his presence when he returns to Louisville. Hopefully we will be able to see him again at Christmas time.
My Dad and Mom are coming for a visit in a few days!!!! Mom appears to be feeling well enough to travel. They are leaving on Friday and staying at a friend's cabin at the halfway mark of the journey and then they will finish the last leg on Friday. I cannot wait to see my Mother! I am not sure how I will react when I see her. I have longed to be with her so badly this past month! I will give her a great big best I can at least! They will be staying for almost a week. Hopefully Miss Maia will be discharged during this time and we can enjoy each other's company at our place back in Lakewood. Keep praying!
Thank you for the prayers for my recovery. I have been feeling great and I haven't taken any pain medication in about 24 hours and I doing fine. Yay!
Kenny is back in Lakewood for work the past two days. Joel,Gideon, and I will travel to Lakewood for the weekend tomorrow, meet up with Kenny and then Kenny will come back for the weekend watch with Maia. Hopefully this routine won't have to last too long.
Gideon has been doing well, although he is totally off schedule and therefore his behavior and emotions are being affected. We are trying to get him back on his naps. Hopefully in a day or so he'll be more balanced. :)
We love you all! Thank you so much for your continued prayers. We are feeling them strongly through our peace and joy through this time and seeing how are daughter keeps responding physically day by day! We praise you, Lord! Glory to the Highest!
Posted by Suth-ern Mama at 3:10 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Rollercoaster of a Day!
Hello, Everyone!
We are so sorry that we have not posted in a few days! It has been crazy and our laptop is giving us fits. I think Kenny posted something to that affect a day or so ago.
We have been officially downgraded to the CCU from the CICU as of Sunday. Maia has her own room now. She appears to be doing well with her stats and her oxygen levels remain in the mid 80's to low 90's for the most part.
The staff announced to us this morning Maia was going to be discharged. They gave hint of this to us last night, but we weren't expecting it because an echocardiogram had not been done since Saturday and at that point her ductus was still open. We were very concerned that if it closed after we were discharged that we would not be able to make it back to CHOP. Well, when we found out this morning that we she was going home we were a mixed bag of emotions of happiness and concern. Kenny had to run to the closest Target and buy a carseat and some other items that Maia might need because we were so unprepared for this occurence. Yikes. We also had to take a CPR class today before she could be released. After we did all those things, she did have her "echo" and guess what....the ductus was very wide open and they decided that it wouldn't be best for Maia to go home. It was again a mixed bag of emotions....frustration but also affirmation of what we were feeling since last night. God is definitely watching out for our little ladybug but we don't want our human feelings to get in the way of His glory. I think we have been handling the rollercoaster okay, but we definitely want His spirit to shine in our lives to the staff and others while we are here.
So we are here most likely for at least two more days. They will likely do another "echo" on Thursday and see the status of the ductus again. My brother, Joel, is now here ! We are excited about this. As I am typing away, Joel, Gideon, and Kenny are driving back to Lakewood to drop Kenny off and then Joel and Gideon will return to the Ronald McDonald House later on tonight. Whew! That is one big day for Joel! I can't wait to see my brother! It is going to be such a special time with him as he is here for us and for Maia!
That is all for now. I could definitely write more...but I want to get back to our darling daughter before I have to leave for the night.
Here are a lot of pics that I have been taking since Saturday's updated pics. They are reverse chronological order this time. I am trying to do this blog as quickly as possible no fancy shamcy editting like I normally do. Hope you enjoy! We love you all and can't wait to share Maia with you in person, instead of just digitally! God Bless!
Posted by Suth-ern Mama at 6:24 PM 1 comments