Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year 2013... And A Resurrected Blog!

Wow! I am actually doing this!  I haven't put one word or photo to this blog in about a year and a half and so much has happened.  As the New Year begins, I desire to be more involved in blogging once more.  It was very cathartic and took on a journalling type aspect for me, the four years I devoted to it up in New Jersey. 

No pics today.  Just me with my words and thoughts.  I was looking back at the beginning of this blog.  There was a video of Gideon with his little tiny voice and his big lofty thoughts.  It truly was amazing (for his mom at least).  I update regularly on Facebook, but it isn't the same.  Blogging is much more of a creative outlet to journal our everyday lives that I can look back on.  It forces me to be more introspective and deliberate and when I look back on it (which is much easier to get to on this blog than FB ever is) makes me appreciate the journey of our lives oh so much more!  Here is a piece of of my blog (the highlighted is a link) with two videos of Gideon fives year ago.  The second video on this linked post has much more conversation with him.  So good to look back at these videos.  I am going to have to try to upload a lot of the videos from the past year and a half from FB onto here. I know it is going to be a process, but well worth it in the long run.

What am I thankful for as this New Year begins and what are my hopes for these next 12 months?

I am thankful for God's presence in my family's lives.  I hope and pray that we relish his presence even more and sit at His feet listening to his guidance and Words for us.  

I am thankful for family that have had a chance to come to visit us in 2012.  We had three visits from My mom, two visits from my dad, a visit from Kenny's parents, and a visit from Kenny's sister and nieces.  What an awesome family to lay down vacation time and money to put us as a priority.  We feel very loved by them.  We also. of course, feel loved by our other family members that couldn't make it out here.  They always communicate with us via a text, snail mail, email, or a phone call sometime throughout a month.  They are all so very precious to us.  Love you, Sutherlands, Gerdises, and Lewises!  My hope is that we can reciprocate more this that Ivy is a bit older and will hopefully be able to handle a long trip.

I am thankful for our new church family in Pearland, Texas!  God sure provides above and beyond all that we could ever hope and dream of.  What a special group of people they are and we are blessed to call many of them good friends now.  He did it amazingly well in New Jersey with our sweet friends at Cornerstone Calvary Chapel and also at Calvary Academy.  Of course, He did it again here in Texas as well with Covenant Community Church.  My hope is that we can serve this community and our neighbors in Pearland as a family fully devoted to Him.  May we bless others even more richly than we have been blessed ourselves.  May we not think of ourselves but others more highly. 

I am thankful that Kenny was able to go back to college for the first time in forever.  He was never able to finish a college degree and yet the Lord blessed him and moved him up in the industry even though most of the positions required a such a degree.  Kenny has been working full-time and going back to school with at least two courses each semester for four semesters now.  He has gotten A's in courses I couldn't even imagine obtaining a C in, like Organic Chemistry.  Yikes!  My hope for him is that the Lord will give him rest and peace in the midst of a very chaotic upcoming semester.  He will be taking four classes.  It will be a bit insane the next few months and I pray that we all will be centered on the Lord and will His Holy Spirit to have control and not our emotions or lack of rest to get the better of us.  It is just a SEASON.  There will be an end.  I pray that I can be a support to Kenny wherever he might need it.  May there be excitement and joy in the journey.  He hopes to be done with his Associates Degree in Chemistry by summer and will transfer to University of Houston in the fall to finish up his Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree there. Woohoo. I am so very proud of him and all he is doing for our family as well as for himself professionally. 

I am thankful for my little ones and I guess not so little one now. 

Gideon is getting to be such a young man lately.  I showed him the above video link this morning and he shook his head in disbelief that he was ever that little or ever that squeaky. LOL  Gideon is engrossed in reading The Hobbit right now and then it will be off to reading How to Train Your Dragon....both Christmas gifts.  He wants to learn to play the guitar this year as well as earn badges in Cub Scouts.  He is also going to try his "feet" to soccer once more this season.  Gideon still has such a heart for worship.  I love to watch him sing and praise God not just at church but spontaneously as he is going about the house.  I sure love that boy of mine.

Maia is truly becoming a little lady in her own right.  She loves reading books, dancing to her Nickelodean music, playing with her dolls.  We have signed her up for soccer as well.  I think she will like it.  It is a learning league and there truly is no pressure, which she will need.  She has been improving with her left side motor abilities via PT and OT this year.  She loves both her teachers and we sure appreciate all that NTS has provided via Miss Stephanie and Miss Kelly this year.  Maia only has yearly heart exams now.  Her last one was in June of 2012.  At that time everything was looking great, but the cardiologist also made it clear that by the time Maia is a teen she will most likely need a heart valve replacement surgery.  She is such a full-of-life little girl, it is hard to imagine that she even has a problem right now.  We are so thankful for God's provisions for her, but also pray for her future.   This has been our prayer for Maia since her diagnosis in utero at 26 weeks... May she bring glory to God for He is good.  She definitely has done that with her life thus far and no matter what we know that she will continue to do so.  This is our hope and prayer for her.

Ivy is now 7 and 1/2 months old this week.  She such a sweet little addition to our family.  I know that Gideon wanted / wants a brother, but Ivy and him have such a sweet bond.  You should see how both of them look at each other.  Usually the last thing he does before heading out in the morning and the first thing he does when he returns home from school is pick up his little sister and love on her. He is a great big brother.  I think he would be the same way with Maia, LOL, if Maia would allow him to love on her more (Miss Independent soul! :))  Ivy is beginning to take solids this week.  She is eating some banana and has been tasting some cinnamon muffin just this morning.  She also pulled up from a sitting position on the couch to a kneeling position by the arm rest.  Yea!  Love these times in a baby's development.  She also has two bottom teeth and four, yes four, coming in on top.  She is teething machine lately. :)  My hope and prayer for Ivy is that she continues to develop perfectly in the Lord's time and that she will begin to see the Lord's goodness and love through her Daddy, Mommy, big brother, and big sister.  She is one loved little girl for sure.

We have a new addition to the family as of yesterday.  The Sutherland's welcome Dash Sutherland to the family...a.k.a. the gerbil.  He truly is a "Dash" but also very nice so far. He doesn't nibble or bite when held by me and calmly closes his eyes as the kids stroke his fur.  He even licked Gideon.  That truly blessed my son's heart.  A nice bonding moment with his first pet.

Well, for now... I am going to finish this blog post.  It will be continued in a day or two.  Don't want to take away too much time from my motherly duties. 

Happy New Year to you all!  Have a great year that will reveal more of God's precious truth and love into your lives.  May you see all circumstances and situations as a way that God is allowing you to glorify Him more...for He is oh so GOOD! 


1 comment:

  1. What a special family you have created. Of course I'm not surprised because you are a special person. I look forward to reading future posts.


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